Working with EPCs — End-to-End Renewable Energy Engineering Learn More
Fueling and industrial engineering projects
Industrial engineering projects

Hampton Glass Coating Facility
Hampton, IA
70,000 sq. ft.
Provided design and construction management. Services included project financing, land-lease negotiation, site selection, construction and lease equipment negotiation, and plant and equipment layout.

Victorville Glass Coating Facility
Victorville, CA
100,000 sq. ft.
Provided design and construction management. Services included construction estimate, specification of building addition, foundation structural design, plant and equipment layout, and equipment purchase and installation.

Plant Relocation and Upgrade
San Diego, CA to Ghaziabad, India
Relocated a vacuum glass coating plant to its new home in India. Oversaw the disassembly of the San Diego facility. Designed process layout, cable tray system, equipment rooms, and power supply system at the new facility.