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Blymyer Engineers a 4-gigawatt leader in solar energy

Blymyer Engineers recently achieved a significant milestone: we’ve engineered more than 4 gigawatts (GW) of utility-scale solar and distributed generation solar plants. How much energy does that represent? Up to 3 million homes can be powered by 4 GWs.
“We expect the next 4 GW of solar projects to happen in a fraction of the time it took us to get to the first 4 GW,” says Blymyer Engineers President Mike Rantz. “Solar technology advances, such as improved battery storage, make solar an even more attractive alternative to non-renewable sources of power. Every year, solar energy represents a larger portion of the energy production in the US and globally.”
750+ solar projects just the beginning
Our team engineered its first solar project in 2003. Since then we’ve engineered more than 750 utility-scale and distributed generation solar plants.
In case you’re not familiar with the difference, utility-scale solar feeds its production into the grid and usually has some type of purchasing agreement with a utility. A distributed generation plant is more likely to be installed at an end user’s facility or close to the end user. So when a datacenter operator installs rooftop solar with the intent of consuming the power generated, that’s an example of distributed generation. An increasing number of solar projects include battery storage, helping to make solar a 24/7 option.
Rantz adds: “Each year it seems that we’re seeing more solar with storage than the year prior. Wind is also making a critical contribution, and our team is engineering an increasing number of wind projects, too. We’re proud to be part of this critically important shift to more environmentally friendly energy generation. To all our clients, thank you for your investment in a better energy present and future.”