The Blymyer Engineers team has been helping clients comply with environmental regulations for more than 25 years. We recently added up some of the metrics around our environmental services. Our team has worked on projects involving more than 570 project sites, 12 clients, and more than 500 industrial stormwater samples—in 2019 alone.
According to Blymyer President Mike Rantz, the secret to our success is in the way we work with clients: “We partner with our clients’ internal teams to keep compliance with environmental service requirements on track. The goal is seamless integration with multiple departments. This helps ensure that compliance becomes part of day-to-day operations without disruption.”
Cross-functional teams focused on success
The Blymyer compliance and environmental services team includes people with a range of certifications, including IGP (Industrial General Permit) and QISP (Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner). We’ve helped create numerous Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) along with Hazardous Materials Business Plans (HMBPs) and Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plans (SPCCs). We also deliver Tier II Reporting for environmental compliance in the Bay Area and beyond.
“Compliance touches so many departments within a large business, such as a transportation fleet operator,” says Nina Schittli, an IGP and QISP trainer of record with the Blymyer Compliance Group. “We work with clients’ environmental health and safety along with sustainability departments. Plant engineers and facility managers play a role too.”
She adds: “Coordination and collaboration help ensure success whether we’re focused on one facility or hundreds nationwide. No matter what we’re doing—training, stormwater sample testing, reporting, and more—our team is dedicated to building seamless relationships with everyone who touches the process.”