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In support of Ukraine

Blymyer Engineers is shocked over the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine. Our hearts and minds are with our Ukrainian colleagues and their families. We check in with everyone in Odessa and Lviv daily. Some of us are personally connected to Ukraine, where we have roots, families, and friends in our beloved city, Odessa. Though we may not be experiencing this senseless destruction firsthand, we are shaken by it.
To support our colleagues in Ukraine, we have cross-trained our stateside employees to shoulder the workload. We have donated to several organizations equipped to bring them aid and relief. Second, to their safety, we want them to know how much we care.
Some of the organizations that have received our donations that we recommend include:
Help | SOS Children’s Villages in Poland (
Lastly, we urge our community to stop the dissemination of false narratives that perpetuate ignorance and violence by fact-checking before you share and repost:
Fact Checks Archive | – A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center